If I thought last semester was a whirlwind, then I’m not sure what to call this session. January came fast and hasn’t slowed down one bit. We are deep in the middle of competition season for my oldest daughter’s robotics team, prepping for my youngest daughter’s dance recital, continuing to host and lead our community group for church as well as miscellaneous other activities that we are committed to all while trying to keep up with each reading, video, and assignment. And through all of that, we had some family come live with us for a while and that sent our schedules into overdrive!
That being said, this session I found it even harder to make it to every live class meeting. When I was unable to attend a live session, I still always made sure to go back and watch the recordings and take notes. I also messaged my Collaboration Group to ask questions or clarify when needed.
In 5315, I developed my Action Research Plan and began working towards conducting my research. While in 5317, I began writing my first publication that I plan on submitting soon. Both classes stretched my writing skills, both professionally and personally. Because of both assignments, I have grown better as a writer, learned more about how I can make an impact in my classroom and beyond, as well as sharing my knowledge with others.
Both 5315 and 5317 were heavy with writing assignments. This meant that I had to plan out my time to work thoroughly and methodically. I spent several full Saturdays working specifically on assignments to make sure I stayed on track. However, even so I found myself scrambling and falling behind at times. Thankfully, I have the most wonderful group of ladies supporting and encouraging me through it all. Without them I really would be lost and alone.
(photo of calendar to keep me on track)
I have posted and commented on every discussion board and have made it a priority to complete course readings and to watch all videos, sometimes repeatedly. I have turned every assignment in on time and often early. I refer to Dr. Harapnuik’s tip and perspective page frequently, as well as his other pages for examples and references. When I have received feedback from either professors, IAs, or my collaborative group I have gone back and revised my work.
This semester we continued to heavily depend on the shared folder and document that I created where we link all our assignments to our ePortfolio. This gave us all the opportunity to give feedback and feedforward to one another. This especially came in handy as we were reviewing one another’s outlines and drafts frequently. Ashley came up with a rubric using ChatGPT for us to grade one another’s rough draft. Each one of us review other’s drafts and gave feedback and grades based off the rubric. Katie also created a graphic in Canva to promote our podcast while, Amanda took the lead on finding a Canva template for us to use for our Media Project where we all edited it. Lindsay and Katie used their skills and knowledge of podcasts to help create an outline for our podcast script. This ultimately became more of a guideline than a script once we began recording and discussing our topics.
This session I continued to work with my core group (Amanda, Ashley, and Lindsay), but we also decided to bring in Katie this session. Katie has been a great asset to our team, and I have learned so much from her already in such a short time. Her research and knowledge about play based learning and seesaw are right up my kindergarten alley! We did occasionally collaborate with Mikeela and Samantha again this session too. While our group did not get to meet often on our Zoom call, we did regularly text one another. Almost daily actually! I really feel like these ladies have become friends and I cannot wait to officially meet them in person soon at
(photo of collaboration group top left: Katie Beauchene, top right: Amanda Mask, middle left: Ashley Lee, middle right: Hillary Turnage, bottom: Lindsay Krueger)
So, when examining how I contributed to the learning of others and myself I give myself a 97/100. (5315)
So, when examining how I contributed to the learning of others and myself I give myself a 97/100. (5317)
Harapnuik, D. (2022, October 13). EDLD 5320 Examples. Harapnuik.org. https://www.harapnuik.org/?page_id=7530
Harapnuik, Dwayne. (2021, August 16). ADL Tips & Perspectives. Harapnuik.org. https://www.harapnuik.org/?page_id=8544
photo: "working" from Media by Wix