Embarking on this adventure to pursue a Master's degree in Applied Digital Learning amidst the active roles of wife, mother, and full-time teacher has been both exhilarating and demanding. At times, it felt like I was navigating a maze, juggling responsibilities while striving to excel academically. Yet, with each hurdle overcome, I found a deeper supply of resilience within myself. This pursuit has been a testament to the power of determination and the unwavering support of loved ones. As I delve into the intricacies of digital learning, I am not only expanding my professional horizons but also setting a profound example for my children – demonstrating the importance of lifelong learning and the pursuit of one's passions. While the road may be challenging, the destination holds the promise of personal growth and fulfillment, making every sacrifice worthwhile
My ADL Adventure
Over the course of this program, I've embarked on an adventure of innovation within my kindergarten class, initially focusing on implementing blended learning through the station rotation model. However, this endeavor opened doors to further development. Throughout my program, I crafted a Growth Mindset Plan and Learning Manifesto, honed skills in leading organizational change through crucial conversations, and designed a UbD template & 3 Column Table to synchronize assessment, outcomes, and activities. Building on this foundation, I formulated a Learning Philosophy and comprehensive Professional Development Plan. Later, I delved into Action Research, now in its final stages, documenting my blended learning implementation journey in a publication. Additionally, I collaborated with peers on a podcast discussing our innovation plans and educational experiences. Currently, I'm finalizing an Instructional Design course focused on a math unit for my grade level.
This adventure has led me to more than just learning information, but has led me to understand more about myself and my beliefs about learning. Not only have I learned many valuable lessons, but I have also acquired new skills and honed old ones. I can effectively create and design videos, graphics, and blogs with meaningful content to engage learners young and old. Not only that, but I have learned how to better communicate and collaborate meaningfully. Having a wonderful group of learners by my side has been both rewarding and inspiring.
I am truly thankful for this program for pushing me out of my comfort zone on a regular basis. I can truly say that I am an advocate for the COVA framework and will work diligently to bring this to my classroom, campus and beyond. I have thoroughly enjoyed each class I have taken and loved being able to use my creative side regularly. This has been an adventure of a lifetime that I will not soon forget.