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Writer's pictureHillary Turnage

What a whirlwind

This semester can only be described as a whirlwind.  It has been literally one thing after another.  Between kids extra curriculars, sickness (both kids and myself), lesson planning, staff meetings, church commitments, ADL assignments and what feels like 100 other things, we are finally coming to the close of this semester.  And if I’m honest, I cannot wait.  This break will be much needed and deserved.

(photos of my daughters extracurriculars: robotics, dance, choir, gymnastics)

This is not to say it has been bad, but boy oh boy has it been busy. That being said, this semester I found it very hard to make it to every live class session.  When I was unable to attend a live session, I still always made sure to go back and watch the recordings and take notes. I also messaged my Collaboration Group to ask questions or clarify when I was confused. 

(notes from lectures)

In both 5313 and 5389, the theme of the classes was to create significant learning environments.  Whether in the classroom or leading a professional learning, I learned the importance that the learning environment has on the learning.  I created a 3 Column Table based on Fink’s research, as well as created a UbD Template designed by Wiggins and McTighe.  Both frameworks are fundamental when planning significant learning opportunities.  The 3 Column table really helps get a quick overview, while the UbD template dives deep into the backwards design that is more specific and in depth.

I also created a full Professional Development Plan including a 3 Column table, a Call to Action, a full outline, as well as, several resources to be used during my professional learning cycle.  This class (5389), proved to be one of the more challenging classes for me.  I have a whole new appreciation and understanding for my instructional coaches.  One night while working on a piece of professional learning plan, and texted my literacy coach expressing my appreciation for her.  There is so much that I have learned that goes into planning and implementing effective professional learning.  Going forward, I am excited to attend and lead presentations and learnings in a go and show format.

(text with my literacy coach)

As I said previously, I did have a hard time making it to the live sessions.  Going into next semester I am hopeful that I will be able to make more lives sessions, as I truly value that time with my peers and my professors.  Though, I do not always speak up in whole group, I thoroughly enjoy small group breakouts and hearing all that others are doing.  Next semester, I am hopeful that my schedule will loosen up a bit and I will be able to attend live again.

(screenshot of my calendar for October, November & December)

I have posted and commented on every discussion board often multiple times.  I have made it a priority to complete course readings and watched all videos, sometimes repeatedly. I have turned every assignment in on time and often early. I refer to Dr. Harapnuik’s tip and perspective page frequently, as well as his other pages that he points to for examples and references.  When I have received feedback from either professors, IAs, or my collaborative group I have gone back and revised my work.  This semester we heavily depended on the shared document that I created where we link all our assignments to our ePortfolio.  This gives us all the opportunity to give feedback and feedforward to one another. 

This semester I have continued to collaborate with my core four ladies (Amanda Mask, Ashley Lee & Lindsay Krueger).  These ladies have encouraged me, mentored me, brainstormed and brain dumped with me.  They have talked me off a ledge a few times too!  This semester has been harder than I thought it would be and we have all been busy.  We haven’t had much time to meet on our Zoom calls, but we regularly text (almost daily).  Whether discussing an assignment, something that is happening on our campus or just our life, these ladies have been there the whole time.  I cannot thank God enough for sending them, I truly attribute so much of my success thus far to them. 

(Core collaboration group)

So, when examining how I contributed to the learning of others and myself I give myself a 97/100. (5313)

So, when examining how I contributed to the learning of others and myself I give myself a 97/100. (5389)


 Harapnuik, D. (2022, October 13). EDLD 5320 Examples.

Harapnuik, Dwayne. (2021, August 16). ADL Tips & Perspectives.

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