Implementing Blended Learning in Kindergarten:
Professional Learning Outline
My innovation plan focuses on implementing blended learning through the station rotation model in a kindergarten classroom. This professional learning centers on providing authentic learning environments for teachers who will be implementing blended learning into their own classrooms. This professional learning is meant to give teachers real experience with blended learning though stations, as well as grow their skills and knowledge on the subject.
This professional learning outline provides an overview of the development, support and modeling of blended learning to ensure effective implementation into more classrooms.
5 Key Principles of Effective Professional Development
Gulamhussein (2013) and research shows that teachers learn very similar to their students. Just as we want students learning to be active and able to apply their learning, the same is for teachers. We would never lecture students one time and expect them to fully grasp as concept and turn around and apply it. Why do we expect that from teachers? Teachers should be taught and give significant learning environments to foster collaboration, exploration, modeling and guidance. This professional learning outlines the five key principles outlines by Gulanhussein in detail.

Collaboration & Facilitators
During this cycle, teachers will be encouraged, supported, and communicate with other teachers and coaches. During these weekly meetings teachers may bring any questions, concerns, or revelations to the group. There will be given specific time to focus on these during our time together. Teacher models and coaches (academic and technology) will act as facilitators, while the teachers are active participants exploring and learning alongside one another. Teachers will be given opportunities to schedule additional coaching experiences, as well as, classroom visits to see implementation and routines modeled.
The target audience is the kindergarten team at GFE. The kindergarten team is made up of six teachers (including myself) with varying levels of expertise, work experience and degrees. My classroom will be the pilot for my blended learning innovation plan as I work to bring my teammates on board. The kindergarten team will need a generous amount of time to collaborate and learn before they can begin to implement into their classrooms. I plan to allow them to observe in my classroom when able too, as well as come in and help co-teach or model during station deployment, expectations teacher, or anything else they may need. I will also have asynchronous videos available for them to view of real time experiences in my classroom.
Instructional Design
This cycle has been designed to take place over the course of nine weeks. However, the timeline is flexible and can be lengthened to accommodate the needs of the learners. Below is a detailed outline for the professional learning cycle.
District provided laptop and projections
Content specific resources
Access to online tools such as Canvas, Canva, and Seesaw
Station rotation menus
blended by Horn & Staker
Dwayne Harapnuik. (2015, August 15). Connecting the Dots vs Collecting the Dots [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85XpexQy68g
Fink, L.D. (2003) A self-directed guide to designing courses for significant learning. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Gulamhussein, A. (2013). Teaching the teachers effective professional development in an era of high stakes accountability. Center for Public Education. Retrieved from http://www.centerforpubliceducation.org/system/files/2013-176_ProfessionalDevelopment.pdf