When I first began the Applied Digital Learning program I was quickly overwhelmed and thought I had jumped into something that was way over my head. I remember thinking “what did I get myself into?” and “why did I think this was a good idea?” and to be honest I still think that on a regular basis. Thankfully I have a great support system! Last semester I joined a group that I am still collaborating and meeting with this semester. These ladies are truly a Godsend. (Amanda Mask, Ashley Lee and Lindsay Krueger)

(picture taken from one of our Zoom collaboration meetings)
This semester was our first semester with classes and working full time at our schools. This is really the first time that we felt the accelerated path and it was a huge change from being able to devote all of our time to our ADL program in the summer. We quickly realized that our weekly Zoom meetings would not be able to happen. However, we continued to collaborate and encourage each other on different avenues. We have spent met several times throughout the semester on Zoom discussing both classes, as well as, exchanged numerous emails, texts and feedback on assignments and discussion posts.
This semester our group really utilized text and our shared Microsoft documents. We have a text thread that we regularly contribute to whether it be class related, encouraging each other when we feel overwhelmed, celebrating a birthday or just chatting. (Thanks, Ashley, for all the memes!) For 5304 there were several books to read so we decided to divide and conquer throughout this summer class. I created two separate documents that we used to divide and conquer the reading and note taking for the 4XD and The Six Sources of Influence. I also created a document that is set up for the rest of the ADL program since we all plan to follow the accelerated option. This document is used to share our various assignments and get and give feedback and feedforward to one another.
I have posted and commented on every discussion board often multiple times. I have done all the course readings and watched all the videos, repeatedly. I have turned every assignment in on time and often times early. I refer to Dr. Harapnuik’s tip and perspective page often, as well as, his other pages that he points to for examples and references. When I have received feedback from either professors or IAs, I have gone back and revised my work just as I have done with my collaborative group.
I am reminded of my It’s time to play ball… maybe post, I started this program scared that I wasn’t meant for this and that I would ultimately fail.Because I wasn’t confident in this new way of thinking introduced by the ADL program, I had a fixed mindset towards it.But through a lot of hard work, encouragement, feedback and feedforward I am having a change in my thinking.I am reminded of my Embracing the Unexpected: How Teaching Virtually Transformed My Mindset post.This is not the first time I have been put in an uncomfortable situation, but this is where the real growth starts.I have done it before; I can do it again.I will continue working towards a growth mindset and believe that I can do this!
All the ladies in my collaboration group have talked about our plan to stay on the accelerated path. Now that we have experienced our first set of courses and working simultaneously, I know that without these ladies I don’t think that I could do this, but because I have them as a support system and my new found confidence in my growth, I will do this!
I have made a lot of progress, however, I always think that there is room to grow. I have attended most class meetings when able to do so and participated in class; however I would like to be more participatory in my class meetings offering more to the conversations. This is the same goal that I had from last semester, and while I do believe that I have take a few steps in the right direction I would like to see myself be more outspoken and engaged in live class.
So, when examining how I contributed to the learning of others and myself I give myself a 98/100. (5302)
So, when examining how I contributed to the learning of others and myself I give myself a 98/100. (5304)
Harapnuik, D. (2022, October 13). EDLD 5320 Examples. Harapnuik.org. https://www.harapnuik.org/?page_id=7530
Harapnuik, D. (2022, September 23). Using the Learner’s Mindset – How and Why This Works. It’s About Learning. September 16, 2023, https://www.harapnuik.org/?p=9279
Harapnuik, Dwayne. (2021, August 16). ADL Tips & Perspectives. Harapnuik.org. https://www.harapnuik.org/?page_id=8544