I am almost done with my fourth week in this program and I can't help but reflect on my growth thus far. When I started this program just four short weeks ago, I was nervous and overwhelmed with the amount of work that I was going to be doing. I was looking ahead at all the reading and feel a little more than defeated before I had even begun. However, as the days passed and the weeks progressed I fell into a groove. There is still just as much work and reading as before, but the way I approach it all is different.
That leads me to wonder why? Why has my outlook changed? How did it change? I am reminded of a previous blog post Why Growth Mindset is so Important and the video The Power of Belief -- Mindset and Success. I came into the program with a fixed mindset. I was ready to give up before I had begun because I was avoiding the challenge and decided my effort wouldn't pay off. Thankfully, in these short weeks my mindset has shifted. I now am embracing the challenges ahead of me and persevering and overcoming obstacles as they arise. I owe much of my shift in mindset to my husband who has been very encouraging and giving me feed forward when asked to help brainstorm with me. I also attribute my growth to my peers and Dr. Harapnuik, as I have received feedback and feedforward from them as well in the discussions.
I still have much to learn and grow in this program, it is after all, only the beginning. But instead of being overcome with anxiety from the unknown, I look forward to the future of possibilities and that is so much more exciting!
Learn more about me here.
Briceno, E. (2012, Nov. 18). The Power of Belief -- Mindset and Success [Video]. TED. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pN34FNbOKXc
Photo: "Hand Light Free Stock CC0 Photo - StockSnap.io by Justin Tietsworth